Sarah Johnson
Sarah has had a long history in the industry and was inspired to become aligned with Intelligent after reading Rejuvenation by Horst Rechelbacher and his perspective on creating balance and wellness for mind, body, and spirit. She knew then that she was headed in the right direction as their approaches to health were quite similar.
A good portion of her career was spent in southern CA where she soaked up as much education as possible to further her professional and personal growth. She infuses all of her learning into the services that she offers in her salon.
Her salon is named Salon Sphere as she believes that all ingredients that come from the Sphere, the Earth. She believes in the power of plants and that they provide all that we need to be whole. Her mission to for her salon is bringing beauty back to wholeness and she does that through her holistic service approach with her clients.
Eden Prairie, MN
IG: @sarahdoeshairinthesnow @salon.sphere
FB: @sarahsalonsphere @salonsphere